Pet Advice
Find the latest pet health advice to help keep your pet happy and healthy!
Find the latest pet advice
Pet Poisons
Many things around the house can cause harm and poison our pets, so it's best to make sure to keep your pets safe by being informed. Click for more details.
Moving House With Your Pet
Moving home is a stressful time for everyone, but it can be easy to forget how big an impact moving house can have on your pet.
Collecting A Urine Sample From Your Pet
Collecting a urine sample from your dog can be a daunting task, find out tips on how to approach the task and make it a simple for the both of you.
Pet Diabetes
Is your pet showing signs of pet diabetes? Learn more about pet diabetes from what signs should you look out for here with our helpful guide online.
Winter Pet Health Advice
Click through to check out our 'Winter Watch Outs' handy tips to help you make sure your pet is happy and healthy during the chilly winter months.
Introducing Cats
Introducing two new cats to each other? Discover how to avoid confrontation and the top tips for cat introductions. Find out more from our guide now.
Cat Diabetes Advice & Care
Cat diabetes can be debilitating for your pet. Learn more about diabetes in cats, from symptoms to treatment, and start improving your cat's health now.
Anxiety In Cats
Learn about anxiety in cats and how you can calm a stressed cat with effective coping tactics and methods from our vets experts.
How Old Is Your Cat In Human Years?
If your cat is older, why not book a senior health check to discuss their changing needs with your veterinary team for advice and tips!
Antifreeze Poisoning In Cats
Sadly, antifreeze is hugely toxic to cats, and every year cats across Britain are seriously ill or die from antifreeze poisoning.
Dog Diet Advice
Feeding a dog properly can sometimes turn into a right dogs dinner. Find the right way to feed your dog or puppy in our free, and simple, dog feeding guide.
Top Tips For Dog Training!
Learn the best ways to train your canine with our 7 training tips for your new dog or puppy. For tips & tricks with dog & puppy advice from Vets4Pets.
Dog Diabetes Advice & Care
Click here to find out all you need to know about diabetes in dogs. From signs to forms of treatment, we have all the information you need. Find out more.
Car Travel With Your Cat
Planning on taking your cat on a car journey? While some cats travel well, others dread the cat basket. Learn how to make car travel easier with our guide.
Choosing Your New Cat
Are you looking for a cat that loves adventure or a quiet companion who will while away the days with you? Learn more about choosing the right cat for you.
Cat Flap Training
Cat flaps are a great way to allow your cat to come and go as they please, and as most are lockable you can still choose to keep them inside if you need to!
Multi-Cat Households
It is estimated that 19% of UK households have at least one cat. Click here to read more expert advice on living with multiple cats with Vets4Pets.
Paracetamol Poisoning In Cats
Paracetamol should never begiven, and should be kept out of reach of cats to prevent accidental ingestion. Read our expert advice.
Lice And Your Cat
Lice live on the skin of your cat, and feed on the skin itself. Lice can be uncomfortable for your cat, and can make them itchy and sore in large numbers.
Cat Diet Advice
Feeding a cat properly can sometimes feel like a tricky task. Discover the right way to feed your cat or kitten in our free, and simple, cat feeding guide.