Pet Advice
Find the latest pet health advice to help keep your pet happy and healthy!
Find the latest pet advice
Mites and Your Dog
Mites are small parasites that live on the skin of dogs, and can cause discomfort and itching to your pet. Read more to learn how to keep your dog mite-free.
Cat Microchipping
All you need to know about microchips & your cat. Find out how having your cat microchipped is a great idea, expert pet advice from Vets4Pets.
Saying Goodbye
Making the decision to say goodbye to your pet is one of the toughest you’ll ever make. Find out all you need to know how to cope with pet euthanasia.
Suggested Resources and support
Losing a beloved pet can be hard but there are several methods you can try to help ease the pain. Click through to learn more.
Orthopaedics and Fracture Repair
Veterinary orthopaedics may be needed to help with any abnormality your pet develops or to repair fractures from injuries. Find out more about our services.
Physiotherapy for your pet
All pets can benefit from physiotherapy. It can be used to aid recovery, reduce the risk of injury or support chronic illness. Find out more.
Preparing Your Dog For A Change In Routine
Are you planning on changing your routine? This may affect your dog's behaviour and mood. Find out how to learn how to prepare your dog for a routine change.
Spotting and Handling Behaviour Changes In Dogs
Behaviour changes in dogs can be for a number of reasons, and may be hard to stop. Find out more about how to spot & handle behaviour changes in your dog here.
Cats And Fireworks
Firework season can be a tough time for any cat, so it is a good idea to know how to treat their anxiety around this season. Read more tips online here.
Car Sickness In Dogs
Travel sickness can affect dogs as well as humans, so find out what steps you can take if your dog gets sick or stressed when travelling in the car. Read here!
Dog Body Language
The most confusing part of understanding your dog's body language is how much it differs from our own. Find out how to understand your dog with Vets4Pets.
Helping Your Pet Cope In Groups Of People
We’d encourage pet owners to make sure their pet is in a safe, warm place, away from any potential stress inducing activity.
Neutering Your Dog
This is of the most common routine operations in the UK. Learn the reasons behind neutering, including pregnancy prevention and health or behavioural issues.
Brushing Your Cat's and Dog's Teeth
Brushing your pet’s teeth for a few minutes each day is the best way of preventing dental problems. Prevention is better than cure! Read more at Vets4Pets.
Caring For Your Dog's Teeth
Brushing your dog's teeth is important to avoid dental health issues. Learn more about looking after your dog's teeth with our expert advice and tips.
Summer Tips for Dogs
Most dogs are sensible in the heat, but learning how to keep a dog cool in summer is still a useful tool. Find out how and more useful summer dog tips here
Summer Tips for Cats
Want to know how to keep cats cool in hot weather? Find the answer to this and other summer tips around topics like travelling, sunburn and lilies.
Why isn't my flea treatment working?
It can be frustrating, disappointing and expensive if you've bought flea products, only to find later that your pet still has fleas. Find out more.
Getting puppies used to the car
Unfortunately car travel for some can be really difficult, as dogs can develop phobias or even true car sickness. So how do you keep your dog happy in the car?
Safe play and handling puppies
Playing with your puppy can be fun, but it is important to ensure it does not get dangerous or out of hand. Find out how to properly play with your puppy here.